PhyLt app for iPhone and iPad
MCQT is a form of self-assessment in which you are required to pickup the best answer from a list of plausible answers. This multiple choice is used in education testing and market research.
Here you will find multiple choice quizzes available by subjects. Each quiz has between 10 -100 questions. Once finished, the quizzes will grade themselves.
There are two versions of MCQT. Light and Extended .
Light version does not requires any internet connection and has over 300 sets of question from a single subject, question bank is different in each version. The extended versions requires an internet connection and comprises of over 29,000 questions for Chemistry, Mathematics,Physics, Biology . This question bank is increasing.
Additional Features
- No Internet Connection required for Light Series.
-Multiple Mode (Extended)
-Negative Markings (Extended)
-Set Question Tiiming from 5m-1.5 Hours
-Sound option (Extended)
-Question Generation (Random , Sequential)
-Top Scores
-Review of all questions with your answers.